A loan helped to invest in growing sugarcane.

Linh's story

Linh, 30 years old, is married and has two young children. His family belongs to an ethnic minority and lives in a remote mountainous area in Thạch Thành district. The family's income primarily comes from their sugarcane farm, which yields one crop per year and takes about 11 months to harvest. In addition to farming, Linh's wife earns a small income by working as a hired salesperson, while Linh also takes on occasional labor jobs at local farms to supplement their income. However, the family's total monthly earnings of approximately $570 are just enough to get by.

As the next sugarcane season approaches, Linh is facing financial difficulties in purchasing high-quality sugarcane seedlings and fertilizers. To address this challenge, he is applying for his first loan from Thanh Hóa MFI. Linh hopes that with this financial support, his sugarcane farm will flourish, leading to an improved income for his family.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details