A loan helped to improve her home-based tailoring business.

Nour's story

Nour is a married Jordanian woman. She is 36 years old and has two children. Her husband works as a truck driver, with very limited income that doesn't cover any of the basic needs of their family.

In order to settle better and provide extra income, Nour started a home-based tailoring business. She provided her services to her neighbors and friends. Then she expanded a bit by adding a new machine and some extra fabrics to reach more customers. After some time, she wanted to offer her customers some ready clothes. She asked for 950 Jordanian dinars (JOD) to buy these clothes and add new options for her loyal customers.

Her ambition is to expand her business more soon.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details