A loan helped to buy spools of thread in different colors, zippers, buttons, and more to sew more dresses on time.

Rehana's story

Surrounded with poor financial circumstances, Rehana needed to start her own business to increase her purchasing power and meet her household expenditures financially. She is 50 years old, married, and a mother of 3 children. She is a hardworking mother who is helping her family by providing tailoring services in her community.

Rehana has been doing this business for many years. She knows very well the techniques of stitching. Her regular customers are her neighbors and the local community. She earns enough to lead a decent life.

To help her continue operations of her business, she requested a loan of 100,000 PKR to buy stitching material such as spools of threads in different colors, packs of zippers and buttons, and more to sew more dresses on time.

In addition to repaying the loan, she will use part of the revenues to deal with personal expenses.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurial women work towards economic equality.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details