A loan helped to purchase more reels of thread, packs of buttons, ribbons and laces for meeting the orders on time.

Farha's story

Farha is 49 years old, married woman and a mother of 7 children. She has been doing business as a tailor for many years to support her husband. She has accepted the fact that if only her husband works for their family, they will not be able to meet the household expenses and the educational needs of their children. That is why she started tailoring at home to support her family well. She and her husband manage their household while operating a business.

At this time, Fahra is working hard to continually provide income for their everyday expenses. Now, she has requested a loan of 100,000 PKR to purchase more reels of thread, packs of buttons, ribbons and laces for meeting the orders on time. Her regular customers are her neighbors and from the local community. Farha hopes to grow her business and dreams of providing a better standard of living to her family members.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurial women work towards economic equality.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details