A loan helped to empower her weaving business by assisting her in buying white and brown pandanus for her weaving business.

Fakanonoaloto's story

This mother here is named Fakanonoaloto. She is a mother of seven kids.

Currently her husband works in their own field to plant and grow different types of crops to feed her family. This family consists of five members.

Fakanonoaloto provides for her family from her weaving business. With the maturity of her weaving, she can weave taovala, fihu and mats in different styles and sizes. She joins a group of women in her village to gather in a hall to perform weaving. They spend three days a week weaving.

Once the taovala is ready to sell, she advertises it through the internet to both local people and some buyers from overseas. This loan helps to empower her weaving business by giving her funds to buy more white pandanus that she uses for her weaving. She has dreamed for her business to continue to operate in the future and earn more income and customer trust no matter what. She looks forward to success in her weaving in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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