A loan helped to buy mulberry bark for her whole tapa and soft tapa making business.

Sekola's story

Sekola is a single lady who lives at her parent's house. Together with her mother, she joins a group of women in their village to make whole tapas. They spend one day a week making whole tapa. The other days of the week, Sekola spends with her mother making soft tapa. They make more than five tapa a day and also design them with their own designs and sell out. She uses her social media account to advertise her tapa to both local and overseas people as well. She earns a good income from her tapa making.

This type of business here in the Kingdom is very important and ongoing no matter what, because making tapa is Tongan tradition. The presence of the tapa in any Tongan occasion is very important, so the selling of her tapa is ongoing except for bad weeks. On a bad week, she prefers to design tapa to earn income so she can earn money to help her family.

She requested this loan to help her buy mulberry bark that she uses for her tapa and soft tapa making business. From that, she will be able to continue running her business in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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