A loan helped to buy pandanus and hibiscus used for her weaving business.

Tapaita's story

Tapaita is 54 yeas old, married and a mother of seven kids. She is currently running a weaving business where she weaves different taovalas. Her taovala sell at the local market to the local people.

Tapaita earns a good income from her weaving business. She also takes orders from people who need her to decorate or weave a taovala for special occasions such as marriage, birthdays and church functions. People are interested in her taovala because they love the quality of it and her price is affordable.

She plans to move to a new venue in her village and needs to replenish her stock of pandanus and hibiscus used for her weaving business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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