A loan helped to place stall boards and showcases in his new shop and to buy beverages, food, candy, and sausages to resell.

Artur's story

Artur F. is 23 years old. He lives in Tsovagyugh Village, an area of Sevan, with his wife and his one-year-old son.

For about five years, Artur worked as a waiter in a restaurant. Now Artur and his wife engage in farming. They raise cows, sheep, and chickens. Artur also has been running his own trading business in a coach cabin, where he sells food and beach accessories. Artur has been managing his shop since 2009 and, thanks to trading and farming, he can support his family and was also able to construct a new and more comfortable shop for his trading.

Artur is asking for a 500,000-AMD loan to place stall boards and showcases in his new shop and to buy beverages, food, candy, and sausages to resell.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details