A loan helped to buy some materials to use in her handicrafts and pandanus for her weaving.

Sharlene's story

This is Sharlene. She is 33 years of age. She is married and a mother of six kids. Four of the kids attend school and the other two kids have not yet entered school.

She started this weaving business with the help of her other sibling. She makes kiekie and taovala from hibiscus and pandanus. She joined a group of people to perform weaving and also make kiekie and then sell them to the local people and some buyers from overseas. Her kiekie sell weekly and her taovala sometime weekly and sometime in two weeks. Once her taovala or kiekie is ready, she sells them and the price depends on what style and size of the kiekie or taovala.

This time she needs more material for her handicrafts and pandanus for her weaving business. For this loan it will help her to still manage to run this business without fail.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details