A loan helped to buy materials for her weaving and also fix her vehicle to deliver her taovala to her customers.

Hevaha's story

Hevaha is 71 years of age. Her age doesn't mean she doesn't have the energy to continue running her business without fail. She is still active and capable in maintainng a weaving business with her own hands. This weaving business is the only source of income for her family. Hevaha is a mother of six kids and more than 10 grandkids. They all live together under the same roof and they work together to see that the family survives.

Hevaha and her daughter joined a group of women in their village to weave the taovala, mats and fihu in different sizes and styles. The price of her weaving depends on what the customer needs. The vehicle that she uses for her business is broken so she needs to fix it. She does not have enough money for repairs and also needs a pandanus for her weaving business. This is why she applied for a loan for her weaving business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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