A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving and hire two women to help with her weaving.

Paea's story

Paea is 52 years old and lives with her husband and her four children. They have their own home and they rely on a weaving business. Paea loves weaving on her own. Weaving is part of her daily routine and she spends most of her time doing it. She weaves the taovala with different sizes and styles and the price depends on what style and size is chosen by the customer.

For her weaving business, she advertises her work on her Facebook page. People order the taovala and deposit some money so she takes the responsibility to weave that order first to satisfy the customer. She has earned good money from her weaving business that helps her provide food for the family and pay for other family needs and wants. She applied for this loan to help her buy more pandanus and also hire two women to help her weave her orders.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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