A loan helped to buy pandanus and hibiscus for her weaving and kiekie business.

Fe'ofa'aki's story

This client's name is Fe'ofa'aki. She is 24 years of age and married with one kid. They all live together in the same house. Currently, her husband is away from home. She joined as a seasonal worker as she didn't want to rely on her husband's income every week.

She runs this business endlessly because she can experience the benefit of her own hand from her weaving. She weaves the taovala only with good quality, in different sizes and styles. The kiekie she makes is in different styles and sizes. The price of the taovala and kiekie is dependent on what size and style.

The money from her weaving business will help her with the loan repayment and other family needs and wants. This time she applied for this loan to assist her in buying more pandanus and also a hibiscus used for her weaving business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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