A loan helped to buy perfume, creams, jewelry, meat, pork skins, plantains, soft drinks, water, fruits and other ingredients for food preparation.

Arelys Yelissa's story

Arelys Yelissa and her family live in Montecristi, a city known locally and internationally for it's precolonial culture and its handicrafts. She is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn money so she can help her husband with household expenses.

Arelys Yelissa sells Yanbal products (perfumes, creams, makeup and jewelry) door-to-door, from her house and via social media. Outside her house, she also has a table set up where she sells roasted meats and pork rinds, which are served with roasted plantains, empanadas, fish fritters, and a choice of juice. The customers who arrive at her house enjoy the delicious food that she prepares with love. In this way she is able to improve her life and that of her family, thanks to the loans for which she is grateful and hopes will continue.

This loan will be used to buy perfumes, crèmes, jewelry, meat, pork skins, plantains, soft drinks, water, fruits, and other ingredients for preparing food.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra Shepherd.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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