A loan helped a member to purchase seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. for paddy cultivation.

Saidun And Group's story

Saidun, a 56-year-old woman from the Kisanganj district of Bihar, lives with her husband and their five children. She and her husband work tirelessly in the agricultural fields, earning a combined monthly income of INR 25,000. However, this income falls short of supporting their family of seven. To improve their livelihood, they aim to expand their paddy cultivation by purchasing additional seeds and fertilizer from the local market.

Saidun has joined six other women, all engaged in agribusiness, in applying for a loan of INR 305,000. Each woman intends to invest in expanding her farming activities. They extend their gratitude to the lenders for their support. Note: There are two borrowers’ children in the picture.

In this group: Mira, Hajaratun, Kurshiman, Jahana, Fatema, Taharun, Saidun

This loan is special because:

It helps women in financially underserved districts in India maintain and grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details