A loan helped a member to purchase fertilizers, insecticides, soil amendments, etc.

Los Agricultores De La Esperanza Group's story

Marbelys inherited land from her father at the age of twenty-two and, since then, has worked in agriculture. She harvests beans. Her dream is to save up and purchase land to expand her plot. She asks FUNDENUSE for a loan with Kiva loans to strengthen the beans.

The solidarity group Los Agricultores De La Esperanza is also formed by Yader, Lesther, and Porfirio. They are all primary grain farmers.

In this group: Marbelys, Porfirio, Lesther, Yader

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers manage their cash flows and provide access to health insurance.

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Lenders and lending teams

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