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A loan helped a member to buy and sell meats.

Estocolmo Group's story

The group "Estocolmo" is composed of women who live in a neighborhood near the city. They are entrepreneurial women who combine care for their businesses with attention to their families.

This is the case with Susana, age 45, single mother with two school-aged children. Her business is buying and selling marinated meat that she seasons in her house. This activity allows her to generate income in order to be able to take care of her household expenses.

With her loan she will buy more meat to season and have in stock.

Susana aspires to be able to open a well-equipped butcher shop in order to have more production of marinated meat.

The rest of the group is composed of Araceli, Brenda, Guadalupe, Veronica, Lisbeth and Erika, all women who, beside their families, strive to get ahead.

In this group: Araceli, Brenda, Guadalupe, Veronica, Lisbeth Esmeralda, Susana, Erika Guadalupe

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (51)
  • Matt Socorro, NM, United States
  • Tracy Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Rob Albuquerque, NM, United States
  • Lendio Gives Lehi, UT, United States
  • Brett Zillah, WA, United States
  • M
    Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Club
  • R
    Rene Ruinerwold, Netherlands
  • Thijs Den Haag, ZH, Netherlands
  • Jonathan & Jacklyn NJ
  • A
    Anonymous Supporter
Contributing teams (27)

Loan details

Socorro, NM, United States
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Albuquerque, NM, United States
Lendio Gives
Lehi, UT, United States
Zillah, WA, United States
Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Club
Ruinerwold, Netherlands
Den Haag, ZH, Netherlands
Jonathan & Jacklyn
Anonymous Supporter
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