Uma is 30 years old. She lives with her family in the Kisanganj district of Bihar. Her household comprises herself, her husband, and her three children. Both she and her husband work in the agricultural fields and take care of cultivation on the land. Together they make a monthly income of INR 25,000. This is not enough for them to sustain their family of five. Thus, they want to expand the paddy, potato, and onion cultivation, for which they will need to purchase more seeds and fertilizer from the local market.
Seven other women joined Uma in applying for a loan of INR 354,000. All women in the group are engaged in agribusiness and seek funding to invest in the expansion of their respective agribusinesses. They thank their lenders in advance. Note: One of the borrowers' child is in the picture.
In this group: Uma, Rupasana, Shabanam, Munesha, Meharun, Heena, Sonam, Kashmera