A loan helped a member to buy merchandise and to renovate the roof of her trailer.

As Formiguinhas Group's story

Ivone, in the white jacket and cap in the photo, is a very nice and extroverted 54-year-old woman. She was born in the state of Alagoas and moved to São Paulo with her parents at age two in search of a better life. She grew up in the city of Diadema in São Paulo, where she spent a good part of her life and currently lives.
She started working at home, making savory pastries, pies, and cakes for neighbors who ordered them, and she improved her skills, starting to produce sandwiches and hamburgers. In 2013, always attentive to the region's needs and with a lot of dedication, she was able to open a trailer in front of two large factories. Over the years, she has increased the types and varieties of snacks she sells, also coming to have several types of drinks. With help from the loan, she will invest in buying merchandise and in renovating the roof of her trailer.
The group would like to thank the investors for this opportunity.

In this group: Rosangela, Helida, Ivone, Francielle, Camila

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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