A loan helped develop a new catering and event space, bringing creativity and culinary art to life.

Chef Liz's story

Hi, I’m Chef Liz, and food has always been at the heart of who I am. Growing up in a family where every gathering centered around the kitchen, I quickly learned that food could do more than just satisfy hunger—it could bring people together, spark joy, and create lasting memories. That’s where my love for cooking began, and it has fueled me ever since.

I’ve turned that passion into my business, The Bougie Street Chef, where I combine my love for cooking, art, and culture to create one-of-a-kind catering experiences. Whether it’s a wedding, a corporate event, or a community gathering, my goal is always to leave a lasting impression with every dish I serve.

My journey started at the Rochester Commissary, where I was able to build the foundation for my business in a shared kitchen space. The Commissary gave me the opportunity to grow and perfect my craft, but now I’m ready to take my business to the next level. I’m working towards securing my own kitchen and event space where I can expand my services and continue creating extraordinary experiences for my clients.

For me, cooking isn’t just a job—it’s my way of giving back to the community and creating moments that matter. This is why I’m so passionate about my business and the impact I want it to have. This why I am applying for a Kiva Loan, to support my business endeavors and to continue to elevate and expand my dreams through my business.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About The Bougie Street Chef, LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details