A loan helped to buy a washing machine and more traditional clothing to resell.

Marieta's story

Forty-one-year-old Marieta used her high school diploma to work as a secretary and office manager for two years. She is married, with four children who range in age from 11 to 22. She is very proud of her oldest children, who have high school diplomas in nursing and psychology. Marieta’s husband had to leave eight years ago to find work in the United States.

Five years ago, Marieta began selling the colorful traditional clothing worn by indigenous Maya women in the department/state of Solola where she lives. She also began embroidering these beautiful textiles via custom orders.

Five months ago, she opened her laundry business and offers both washing and drying services. Because she spent various loan cycles as a member of a Friendship Bridge Trust Bank, she elected to join the “Bridge to Success” program that would help to take her business to the next level. The program is exactly what she needs because she receives specific training and advice that will open new doors of opportunity for her.

Marieta hopes to buy a washing machine as well as more traditional textiles to resell with her first Kiva loan. She looks forward to a brighter future for herself, her family, and her community in the department of Solola. Thank you, Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand to her. You are very much appreciated!

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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