A loan helped a member to buy piglets.

Ang Cang 142 Group's story

Duong is 34 years old, married and has two children who are both attending school. Her main work at present is rice, corn, and coffee cultivation and raising some farm animals. The thought of poverty is always concerning and urges her to work even harder.

Duong applied for this loan to buy piglets. She has been raising pigs for ten years. She believes that breeding pigs is the easiest way to raise her capital at this time. With the desire for her family to always be healthy and live a fuller life, she is determined to make her business profitable. Therefore, she can use the profits to expand her livestock and afford her children’s school fees.

In the photo, she is standing on the right side

In this group: Duong , Xien

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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