A loan helped a member to buy ingredients (oil, potatoes, seasonings, and meat).

05 16 De Mayo Group's story

The communal bank "05 16 De Mayo," as part of the Uyuni agency, is made up of 8 members and is led by a board of directors where Alizon is the president. She lives with her partner and is the mother of one son.

She started her business five years ago, and her business is selling hamburgers. The loan that she requests is for the purchase of oil, potatoes, seasonings, and meat, so that she can make and sell her product. Her goal is to expand her business, and her aspirations are to have her own house and have her son become a professional.

Alizon asks lenders to place your trust in her group.

In this group: Beatriz , Josue Isaias, Brayan Gabriel, Juan Pablo, Yocelin Lucia, Alizon Ximena, Kenny Faryd Mario, Milenka Jaqueline

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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