A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Petalisi's story

This client's name Petalisi from the Kingdom of Tonga. She is married and a mother of 13 kids. Only three kids are still in school, the rest have their own family. They all live together under the same roof.

Currently she is capable of running of this weaving business without fail. Her husband is away from home in the Seasonal Worker Program. This weaving business is the only source of income of this family, so when the husband joined this work program there's another source of income for this family.

Petalisi did not want to rely on her husband's income weekly. She manages to make taovala in different sizes and styles, using white and the brown pandanus. She can weave 1 taovala in one and a half days. Once the taovala is ready she advertises through the internet to local people and some buyers from overseas.

This loan will help Petalisi to buy more pandanus to use for her weaving business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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