A loan helped to buy ingredients for her baking business and buy a mill-mix to feed her pigs in he pig farming.

Tevahine's story

Tevahine married to a farmer and the mother of four beautiful kids. They all live together under the same roof. Two kids still attend school and the other two already have their own family.

Tevahine loves baking when she was growing up she learned how to do baking when she was in high school. From that she runs this baking business together with the pig farming with the help of her husband. These two different business mentioned above are the only income for this family. Her husband focuses on looking after the pigs by providing mill-mix and coconut to feed them and grow them.

Tevahine focuses on baking she can baked cakes, cupcakes, pies and many more. She bakes the cakes and then slices it and sells at the Chinese store in her village.

At this time she needs to purchase more ingredients for her baking business and also supply more mill-mix that will be used to feed the pigs in her pig farm.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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