A loan helped a member to buy second-hand shoes for her customers.

Perlas De Sabiduría Group's story

Marta is a hardworking 30-year-old woman. She is married and the mother of 4 children, who all attend school. Marta lives happily alongside her family in Barrio Poromá.

As the dream of every woman is to provide for her family, thus these days Marta is running her small business selling second-hand clothing and shoes. She has been in this economic activity for approximately 5 years, which has greatly benefited her life and that of her family, since through her earnings she provides education to her children, as well as nutritious food.

Marta leads and belongs to a group of women named "Perlas De Sabiduría" [Pearls of Wisdom]. These women seek to improve their profits, so they approached the ADICLA Association to request a loan and invest it in the respective businesses that they run. In particular, Marta's plan is to buy second-hand shoes for her customers.

In this group: Marta Lidia , Leonza , Ana Eladia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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