A loan helped to buy supplies such as soil amendments, fertilizers, and fungicides, as well as to pay for labor to give optimal care to the potato crop.

Luis Roberto's story

Luis is 58 years old. He lives with his family in the city of Ibarra, province of Imbabura, an area that has commerce, gastronomy, and tourism as its principal economic activities.

Luis works in agriculture. He currently has a potato crop. He also works as a driver. He carries out these occupations with skill and responsibility. They are activities that have allowed him to obtain the resources to have greater economic stability and to contribute to his household.

He is requesting a loan to buy supplies such as soil amendments, fertilizers, and fungicides, as well as to pay for labor to give optimal care to the potato crop. In this way he will achieve a quality product to sell at a good price in the market.

He is very grateful for the help and confidence that he has been provided with since the crops are his principal source of income for supporting his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers adapt to a changing climate.

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