A loan helped an eco-friendly body care company expand products and improve packaging.

Ann's story

Hello! I’m Dr. Ann, a dentist by day and entrepreneur by night. As a dentist, I serve the Native American community in Shasta County. My entrepreneurial story began in 2020 when I developed a painful rash from a commercial lip balm. Due to its long list of ingredients, I could not pinpoint the cause. Frustrated with the embarrassing ugly sores, I made my own natural lip balms, using minimal plant-based ingredients. It worked! Not only did my skin clear up, but this success sparked my passion to create other trustworthy wellness products.

Around that same time, a family member was laid off due to the economy. I wanted to help! Therefore, the combination of a healthcare background, holistic lifestyle approach, desire to make a positive impact, and of course wanting to solve the ingredient problem, is how and why Hippotanicals was born.

The drive to contribute to the well-being of others has always been a part of me, stemming from my own health struggles. Despite dedicating years to academic studies and patient care, I neglected my own health and found myself becoming sicker and sicker. About 10 years ago when I finally stepped back to address my own health, this led to the discovery of multiple chronic inflammatory conditions, including autoimmune. Faced with a choice between medication or lifestyle change, I opted for a plant-based diet and increased exercise, which resulted in significant improvements in my health. This personal experience has fueled my passion to share my journey and educate others on the advantages of making healthier lifestyle choices, in the hopes of helping others who face similar struggles.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Hippotanicals

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: hippotanicals.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details