A loan helped to buy eyeglass frames for children and adults, to pay for electricity and maintain equipment, etc.

Ana Alexandra's story

Ana Alexandra and her family live in Las Gilces de Crucita, just a few minutes from the Capital. It is a small fishing village whose main source of income are artisanal and industrial fishing and agriculture.

Ana Alexandra is an optometrist and has a office where she works Monday through Saturday. She does vision therapy, operates optical equipment, performs diagnostic tests through imaging systems, prescribes and adjusts lenses and eye glasses, and sells all types of eyeglasses and sunglasses. Her customers are always pleased with the good service and fine products.

This loan will help to buy eyeglass frames for children and adults and to pay for electricity, machine maintenance, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra Shepherd.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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