A loan helped to buy a cow.

Ana's story

Ana lives in Guachucal, footpath to La Victoria, Santa Rosa. She is 33 years old, single, and lives in a family home with her siblings. The house belongs to her and her siblings.

Ana is an entrepreneurial woman dedicated to livestock. Thinking about improving the quality of life of herself and her family, she started her business 120 months ago. She has 12 cows. Her dream is to expand her business and generate more income to strengthen her wellbeing and contribute to the economy of the region.

Ana is requesting a loan for $6,088,000 COP, which will be invested in the purchase of a cow, in order to have a larger inventory and thus have more income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

This loan theme seeks to support small farmers and rural borrowers in accessing financing for working capital.

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