A loan helped a member to buy scrap materials to sell.

Piedras Azules Group's story

Fredy Enrique is very pleased with the previous loan he received, which allowed him to improve his living conditions. However, he wants to continue strengthening his business. For this reason, Fredy Enrique is requesting a loan to buy scrap materials. With this investment, he will have more available inventory to offer to his customers. Fredy Enrique dreams of having a larger business and better living conditions.

He is a member of the solidarity group “Piedras Azules” along with Samuel, Dora, and Nelson. Manuel was a previous member who left the group. These people seek to get ahead.

In this group: Fredy Enrique, Samuel De Jesus, Dora Alicia, Nelson De Jesus

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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