A loan helped a member to buy fertiliser, compost, insecticide, etc.

Los Agricultores De Berapaz Group's story

Denis is 57 years old. He is a father and the breadwinner of his family.

He works as a farmer and at the moment, he has a corn crop in harvest.

Denis aims to grow more grains and by doing so, increase his income in order to remodel his home and set up a grocery store at his house.

He is seeking a loan through Fundenuse with Kiva funds to buy farming supplies in preparation for a bean crop.

The group called Agricultores de Berapaz is made up by Eliezer and Juan. They all farm a variety of staple grains.

In this group: Juan, Denis, Eliezer

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers manage their cash flows and provide access to health insurance.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details