A loan helped to buy foodstuffs to prepare traditional dishes as well as insecticides and fertilizers to insure a good rice harvest.

María Cecivel's story

María Cecivel is 45 years old, married and has two children, ages 21 and 14. Her husband is a public employee. They live in Rocafuerte, a place known for the delicious sweets made by the locals. It is a place of hard-working people who continue to strive for the good of their families.

She is an industrious person who looks for ways to earn an income to use to improve her family's lives. She has an eatery where on the weekends she makes and sells delicious traditional dishes. She also has a farm where they grow rice crops. She hires people for the planting, upkeep and harvesting of the rice. Once the rice is harvested she takes it to a local mill where she sells her product or has it milled and then takes it to stores for sale to the public. In this way they are managing to get ahead and it is also thanks to the loans which are a big help to her.

She will use this loan to buy foodstuffs to prepare foods as well as insecticides and fertilizers to insure a good harvest.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Jean .

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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