A loan helped to buy a seed kit (certified seeds, urea, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides) and pay wages.

Viviana Veronica's story

Viviana Veronica is 29 years old. She is a single mother. She has two children, ages 12 and 4. They go to school. They live in their own house. They live in the place called El Junco of the city of Bahía de Caráquez. [The residents] work in agriculture. They raise corn in the winter season, and the majority of its residents raise barnyard fowl.

In order to have her economic income and cover all the household expenses, Viviana Veronica raises crops on family land. In the winter season, she plants corn. She sells the harvest to dealers who come to buy it, and other times she takes it to the market. She hires a truck to take it. She works every day.

This loan is to buy a seed kit (certified seed, urea, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides), and another part is to pay wages.

Her dream is to have many crops and for her family to have good health.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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