A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Salome's story

Salome still manage to do weaving on her own. Salome is married and a mother of six kids and she is blessed with more than 10 grandkids. Salome and her husband work together to provide for their family. Salome's kids have their own family. Salome's family consist of five members and they live together in their own house. Salome said this business is the only income for her family. So she does her best in many ways to operate this weaving business. Salome sells her taovala to her family from overseas and to some local buyers. She uses the income that she earn from her weaving to feed her family and also to enable her to do the weekly loan repayment. This loan aim to help Salome to buy more pandanus to use for her weaving business in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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