A loan helped to buy “anthuriums” and other Mexican plants.

Kelli Marvelia's story

Twenty-six-year-old Kelli, a Maya Kaqchikel who is married to a day laborer, has two daughters who are two and six years old. Her elder daughter is in kindergarten.

As a child, Kelli did not understand the importance of education but now understands that having an education opens doors of opportunities. She now goes to adult school online and is in the sixth grade. It is convenient for her to study online so that she can take care of her family and her business.

Outside of her home, Kelli has a plant nursery, a business she opened fifteen years ago. She plants/sells succulents and cactus. In addition, she buys/sells Mexican plants like “anthuriums”, a heart-shaped red flower with a cream-colored “tail”, also known as the “human heart” or “flamingo” flower. She sells in bulk and feels fortunate that her husband and an employee assist her to make deliveries on time.

Kelli requests her first Kiva loan to buy various plants. Her goal is to expand the business by buying a bigger and more accessible space.

Kelli lives in the department/state of Chimaltenango and feels fortunate to participate in the Friendship Bridge “Bridge to Success” program. She is eager to empower herself and successfully expand her business. A technical advisor, who meets with her every fifteen days, shares information with her about customer service, budgeting, inventory planning, and selling strategies.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for joining with Friendship Bridge to empower Kelli!

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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Lenders and lending teams

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