A loan helped to pay for his third-year tuition and pursue a degree in his desired field.

Luka's story

This motivated and hardworking young man is Luka, 20, from a little village Kvirike in Kobuleti, Georgia, who is studying ship mechanics at the university. He thinks that with his detail-oriented character and hands-on skills, he will soon become successful and qualified in this field.

In order to pursue an in-depth education and improve his skills, Luka needs additional financial support and is grateful that he found out about Kiva. He hopes that his lenders will support his goals and help him achieve future success.

Luka assures his lenders that he will do his best to be a favorite student, graduate successfully, and soon repay his loan.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details