A loan helped a member to buy milk, eggs, juices, and cereal to replace merchandise.

Yom Kipur Group's story

Daniele, the third person in the photo from left to right, is 29 years old, is married, and has two children. She was born in the state of Fortaleza in 1995, but she moved to the state of São Paulo more than twelve years ago in search of a better life.
When she arrived in São Paulo, she started working as a saleswoman along with her husband, who also came from Fortaleza. With time, they had the idea to open a small grocery store in the neighborhood where they live, and with dedication and hard work they were able to open the store, which Daniele takes care of and where she currently works on her own.
Due to her effort and hard work, her grocery store has been able to evolve, and she has been able to provide her family with a better quality of life with the earnings from her business.
With help from the loan, she will invest in buying milk, eggs, juices, and cereal to replace merchandise.
The group would like to thank the investors for this opportunity.

In this group: Jessica, Daniele, Cristina, Elis, Cássio, Thais, Renata

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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