A loan helped to continue studying business, technology and education at university.

Ana's story

Ana is Kiva's reliable client, who is requesting her third loan due to her financial difficulties. However, she has been paying her liability on time and highly appreciates Kiva's support. With your kind support, Ana has successfully passed her previous academic year, now she needs your support to continue studying and deepen her knowledge in order to become a highly educated person and to be able to find her dream job. According to her good marks, she is a very good student, goal-oriented, and a diligent learner who will put her head down and work hard to achieve her personal goals. Ana believes that Kiva will still stand by her side and give her a helping hand to continue her academic journey.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details