A loan helped to finance his higher education costs for the first academic year at the university.

Avtandili's story

Avtandili is from a beautiful little village called Ikalto, in Kvareli, eastern Georgia in the Kakheti region. This young and motivated boy has just enrolled at the university, where he will be studying management, as he has always been interested in leadership, organizational development, and operational efficiency, aiming to understand how to lead teams and optimize business processes. Sadly, due to his current financial situation, Avtandili cannot cover his tuition and is requesting a student loan, as 2,300 GEL will be enough to pay for his educational expenses and deal with these difficulties. Avtandili relies on your goodwill and friendliness.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details