A loan helped to open a therapeutic center of her own.

Hala's story

Hala N. is a 46-year-old lady, married to Sameer, age 52, and has 6 children. She is a committed volunteer at the handicap club helping the less privileged in their day-to-day challenges.

Hala has worked in the nursing industry since 1988, so she decided to combine her nursing experience and skills along with her passion to help those with special needs to start a therapeutic center that includes physiotherapy, Chinese cupping, and other forms of therapeutic massage.

In order to make her dream come true, Hala continued studying and achieved many certificates in the field of physiotherapy and special needs therapies and has been practicing these therapies at home for four years now. Hala is also working at a beauty salon where she managed to establish a wide client base.

Now Hala wants to take a loan in order to broaden her practice and open a therapeutic center of her own, equipped with the latest physiotherapy devices and therapeutic tools for her to help as many patients as possible.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details