A loan helped a member to buy corn, ingredients, and firewood for her food vending business.

Eben Ezer De Malacatan Group's story

Small convenience stores are quite popular everywhere in Guatemala, especially in rural areas. Malfa is a 51-year-old married mother of four grown children who range in age from 25 to 35. She manages her popular store where she sells personal care products. Malfa also has a prepared food business in which she sells fresh tortillas, snacks, and lunches. Her daughters-in-law help her with the businesses. She is quite pleased to share with the Kiva lenders that in the past few months, her businesses have expanded and become more popular. Therefore, Malfa is requesting her third Kiva loan to buy corn and ingredients for her recipes, as well as firewood so that she can cook.

Malfa and six other women formed the Friendship Trust Bank “Eben Ezer de Malacatan”. They are pleased to participate in an interactive monthly educational training seminar that is part of the “Microcredit Plus” program that helps them develop and grow their businesses and empower themselves. Designed by a facilitator, the training seminar enables them to learn about effective business management practices, women’s issues, and family matters. Often they share what they learn with family members and friends.

Malfa says, “We are hopeful that the Kiva lenders will understand how much we count on them for funding our loans because without them, we would not be successful.”

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for learning about Malfa and her friends and for funding their much-needed loans.

In this group: Malfa Odilia , Brenda Leticia , Silvia Sulay , Sayda Marisol , Yorki Magali , Vida , Dulce Estrella

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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Lenders and lending teams

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