A loan helped to pay university tuition fees for his studies in Business Administration.

Ahmad's story

Ahmad a 24-year-old Jordanian man who is part of a family that consists of five people. He is known for his ambition and dedication, which enables him to improve himself and his financial situation.

Despite the challenges and issues he faced in life, Ahmad was determined to resume his education by studying Business Administration. At the moment, he does not have the needed funds to cover his tuition. For this reason, Ahmad is requesting a loan of 1,032 JOD to pay his tuition.

In the future, Ahmad aspires to make use of his knowledge and education so that he can improve his life, as well as make a significant difference in society to make it a better place.

This loan is special because:

It allows students of every economic background to continue their higher education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details