A loan helped to finance his studies toward a master's degree in Information Technology Management.

Levan's story

This is Levan, 22, a motivated, hard-working, and enthusiastic young man, who lives in Tbilici city, the capital of Georgia with his wife. He is studying toward a Master's degree in Information Technology Management at the university.

Levan is passionate about the intersection of business and technology, with a focus on managing IT systems, cybersecurity, and digital transformation strategies. His studies cover topics such as IT project management, systems analysis, and enterprise technology solutions.

However, Levan currently does not have enough sources of income to support his higher education, which will lead him to future success and help him become the person that he is willing to be. For this reason, he is requesting a student loan and assures his lenders that he will work hard for his goals and repay his loan soon. He hopes for your help.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details