A loan helped to replace the bathroom fixtures and repair the heating system to provide a decent living environment for his family.

Valeri's story

Valeri thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan that allowed him to renovate his bathroom. This allowed him to improve his living conditions. He loves his wife and children very much. He works hard to keep his family happy.

Valeri continues to work as a delivery driver for a bakery. He has started to renovate the house on his own. Now Valeri wants to replace the bathroom fixtures and repair the heating system, which is broken. Since he does not have enough money of his own, he decided to apply for a new loan from Kiva.

With the loan, he will be able to accomplish his goals. He will be able to buy the necessary sanitation equipment and repair the heating system. In this way, Valeri will be able to improve his living conditions and provide a warmer home and decent living environment for himself and his family.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details