A loan helped to purchase a motorcycle that will improve the transportation of his goods and allow him to reach more customers.

Cristian's story

Cristian is a young merchant from Morales, Cauca, with five years of experience. He sells a variety of appliances, blankets, kitchen utensils, curtains, and more, using a vehicle he rents daily, which he has equipped with a megaphone, allowing him to travel throughout his community and nearby areas. His strategy has been key to the growth of his business and customer satisfaction.

Cristian lives with his mother in a house she bought several years ago. In the photo, we can see his mother, who is a crucial support in managing his business, helping him organize his inventory.

A loan of $5,278,429 COP allows Cristian to purchase a motorcycle. This investment will facilitate his mobility and reduce the costs of renting a vehicle, improving his transportation capacity and helping him expand his business by reaching more communities.

This loan is special because:

Loan will be use to finance borrowers motorbikes purchase

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details