A loan helped to pay for the purchase of brand-new shoes to sell.

Faidah's story

In this world there will always be competition. This is what Faidah C., 28, learned early on. Faidah, a community partner in CCT*, reached high school and is married to Macoy, a vendor in the local community. They have three children, and as a family they reside in Tanza, Cavite.

Faidah sells sandals made of plastic. She has a store in the Epza Terminal in Tanza. She has been in this business for five years now, and she manages to run the business without the aid of any employees. Because of her diligence at work, she is able to earn approximately 12,240 PHP every month.

She has decided to apply for a 40,000-PHP loan to help her increase her daily shoe sales. She intends to use this money to purchase brand-new shoes for her store. Faidah plans to buy various designs and sizes for kids and for adults. Also, she wants to buy flat shoes, which she will incorporate into her product inventory.

Having many competitors with the same brand and products is one major challenge for Faidah. There are just so many micro entrepreneurs in her place, with the same business as her. Nonetheless, she aims to rise above the others by purchasing products that cannot be found in the other stalls. It is Faidah's dream for her business to become big and sustainable.

As a CCT community partner, she faithfully attends the group's weekly fellowship* meetings, where she can also draw strength and inspiration from the Word of God she receives.

* All CCT community partners/clients are organized into fellowship groups that meet on a weekly basis. A fellowship group is composed of 15 to 30 community partners. The fellowship groups gather each week to study the Word of God, build social capital, and pay microfinance loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details