A loan helped a member to buy clothing to sell.

Fatima Group's story

This group is called Fatima. It is formed by friends and neighbors who struggle to get ahead. They set themselves the target to grow, not only financial, but as individuals.

Ada Giselle is one of the members. She is an active person who tries to get ahead to give her family what she could not have.

She describes herself as a tenacious person who, despite the difficulties, looks for ways to continue improving and fighting for her loved ones.

She makes a living selling clothing and says that she has improved thanks to her hard work and daily effort.

She requests the loan to buy clothing to continue selling as she has been doing.

Note: The children in the photo are children of the members of the group who sign this loan.

In this group: Alicia Isabel, Karen Patricia, Cintia Carolina, Sabrina Estefania, Erika Lujan, Ada Giselle, Maria Lia, Elsa, Natalia Carolina, Cinthia Elizabeth, Zulma Teresa, Paulina, Maria Concepcion, Maria Elena, Yamila Paola, Marylin Elizabeth, Pablina, Sandra Maribel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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