A loan helped to purchase merchandise such as meat, onions, lemons, and tortillas.

Ruby Dinora's story

Ruby is a lovely woman full of charisma and aspirations. She is 51 years old and lives in one of the beautiful places named Barrio La Unión.

Three years ago, Ruby's brilliant idea was born to establish her business selling tacos. She prepares these delicious tortillas with chicken and onion. With her commitment and dedication, she is managing to gradually increase her customers. This motivates her to continue taking sure steps in her business.

Luckily, Ruby is very well-known in her town as she makes delicious tacos for her beloved customers. Continuing to increase her sales is one of Ruby's desires. This brings her to approach Asociación ADICLA to ask for a loan and invest it in the purchase of merchandise such as meat, onions, lemons, and tortillas. A part of the photo was covered to protect Ruby's privacy.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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