A loan helped a member sell unhulled rice.

Santhiaba 1 Takku Liggey Rosso Sénégal Group's story

Established in the locality since October 2013, this Banc Villageois brings together these enterprising women who live in the same neighborhood. They are relatives and friends and maintain good relations. They are mainly engaged in retail. Fah Mbodj , 48 years old, is married and has three children, sells unhulled rice. With her loan, she intends to increase her stock. With the proceeds, she plans to open a store and build up her savings with the Banc Villageois.

In this group: Dieynaba, Awa, Fatoumata, Ndèye Fatou, Aminata, Aisse Fall, Rama, Ndèye Tacko, Ndèye, Fah Mbodj, Peinda, Bouleye, Binta Yade, Aminata, Yacine

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Niclas Witton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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