José Antonio is 56 years old and in a common-law relationship. His children are adults now. His partner is a housewife and they live in the canton of Chone, an agricultural area par excellence with hardworking people dedicated to the labours of the land and the raising of animals.
He is a very hardworking man who tries to earn his living and take his family forward and although life on the land is hard due to the lack of resources he tries to make headway with his work. He has some pens near his house where he raises pigs. He has breeding sows that he hopes to inseminate artificially and in that way improve the pedigree of his pigs. He keeps his pigs for a time then when they reach an appropriate size and weight he sells them to traders who come to see him.
This loan is to buy embryos to improve the breed of his pigs, along with food and medicine.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Philip Walker. View original language description.